What's New?
'Red Nose Day'
We are pleased to say that our school is holding a charity event for Red Nose Day on Friday 15th March. The pupil voice group will be writing a letter to parents to inform them of the event - watch this space!
About us
Our school improvement group ranges between years 2 - 6 with a mix of boys and girls. We have at least one meeting every half term during break and sometimes at lunch.
The group carries out lots of activities and then presents to the school afterwards; examples of these activities are:
In the corridor of our school we have a suggestion box. We look at the suggestions on a weekly basis and discuss together how we can move forward. We also have a parent suggestion box.
In the SIG group we help with making important decisions.
Through the year we also carry out learning walks and we then report back our findings to the class teachers. In the learning walk we look at things like displays and resources in a classroom.