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Graig-y-Rhacca Primary & Nursery Community School

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Graig-y-Rhacca Primary & Nursery Community School

Challenge 4 - Long jump!

This week's Physical Skill Challenge is

Long Jump


How far can you jump from standing still? No run up allowed, just put your toes on a mark, bend and jump as far as you can. Measure your jumps to see if you can improve. You could use a ruler, tape meaasure or non-standard units like cubes, pencils, books etc...anything you can find at home to line up and count instead of centimeters.


Have a look at Miss Potter's demonstration video coming soon!

Long Jump Demonstration

Still image for this video
This week I have asked my D1 children to help me with my demonstrations, and I must say I think they did a much better job at it than me.. what do you think?